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Library book Tracking Management
Oct 09, 2022

RFID for Libraries
InnoRfid team offers RFID book label which based library RFID tracking system and move beyond security to become tracking systems that combine security with more efficient tracking of material throughout the library, including easier and faster charge and discharge, inventorying, and materials handling.

The RFID stickers used in library RFID tracking system can replace both EM or RF theft detection targets and bar codes, provide full service security and management solutions, it also reduces the amount of time required to perform operations.

Your Benefits

1.      Reduce employee

2.      Fast check in and checkout

3.      Simplified patron self-charging/discharging

4.      High reliability and security

5.      High-speed inventorying and identify items

6.      Automated materials handling

7.      Long RFID labels life

8.      Scan multiples at a time with nearly 100% read rate

9.      Components of an RFID system

RFID tracking software

1.      Passive RFID tags that are electronically programmed with unique information

2.      RFID label printing service

3.      RFID tag reader or writer to query the tags

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